
Showing posts from June, 2015

Thoughts,Trivial Pursuit and Thanks

FUN FACTS We have been back from our Adventure of a Lifetime/Ride Across America for one week now. I have a lot of thoughts in my head that I have wanted to convey and this seems like a fitting milestone to put some closing thoughts down on paper. First the trivial numbers game. During our great adventure here are some fun facts Terry rode Ruby (Bicycle) 2,689 miles and Red Ryder (Recumbent Trike) 214 miles for a total of 2,902 miles. Royce rode Stripes(Bicycle) 1,520 miles and his nameless Trike 100 miles for a total of 1,620 miles. Spent items We started in San Diego CA. (THANK YOU  Renee Damon for seeing us off and the great pictures) and ended in St. Augustine FL 41 days later. During that time between all of our bikes and trikes we replaced 4 tires,5 tubes, 1 set of brake pads, 1 bicycle chain and a set of pedals. The car even got in on the flat action and picked a screw in the tire that caused a slow leak. Thanks to tire pressure monitoring systems, Royce dis